Saturday, May 21, 2016

A visit to the Islamic Museum of Australia

Storytelling Vic storytellers have been enjoying telling and listening to stories in the RAW Garden  since the beginning of the year. The garden is the the brainchild of Mariam Issa and our  friendship is  blossoming.

We had an idea that it would be nice for the storytellers and the RAW gardeners to go on an expedition. Mariam offered to organise a tour of the Islamic Museum of Australia. We agreed that it was a splendid idea.

One visit is not sufficient to absorb the depth of the exhibitions but to give you a glimpse, here are some photos.
Did you know that chess came to Europe from Persia? When we say 'Check mate' the words come from 'Shah maat': the king is dead.

The Muslim world has given us some of the great literature: Rumi, The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and 1001 Arabian Nights  are all loved around the world.
 We learned about the significance of the pilgrimage to the Hajj.
And of course we enjoyed a beautiful lunch and talked about the next adventure. 

This event was created especially for members and friends. And we hope to have more. Another reason to become a member! Perhaps the Jewish  Museum or maybe the Botanic Gardens ...? It will certainly be somewhere that includes food and certainly somewhere that will expand our understanding of people and culture.

Thank you Mariam for taking us along and organising a guide; a day spent  in good company, with thoughtful conversation and kind hearted people.