Monday, December 5, 2011

News from Vic Guild co-ordinator Gael Cresp: Skype Story Cafe and AGM

Skype Story Cafe

This blog has seen some wonderful reports of storytelling through this
year - it is heartening to see the variety of events and diversity of the
audience for our skills.

Skype Story Cafe
My main contribution this year has been a tentative beginning of an internet story cafe. A report of the first one is on this blog and our second attempt is to be on December 16. I am expecting tellers from New Zealand, The United Kingdom and from Germany to join folk from Queensland and Victoria.

Limitations of internet and technology keep the numbers small (maximum 6
people) but I hope this will improve with time.

The photo is one I took during the first internet story cafe. I keep reminding myself of jerky and grainy early new reel footage of horses and carriages in Melbourne and telling myself to be patient.

The AGM for the Guild will be held during the first weekend in March 2012 - either 3rd or 4th. Please keep this weekend free and look out for information about plans for storytelling in the future. To keep the Guild going we must have at least 6 committee members - the most critical of whichare a Public Officer (Secretary) and a Treasurer.

I would like to thank Jackie and Beth for their wonderful efforts to keep the blog and face book pages going this year.

Have a restful and happy time over the next few months and let's spring into the new year with enthusiasm and verve.

Gael Cresp